2025.03.12 - 03.14 开闭馆时间:09:00:00 - 17:59:59
亚洲-新加坡 新加坡博览中心 Singapore Expo
主办单位:英国肯特郡ECI国际有限公司ECI International Ltd
举办周期:2年1届 会展面积:25,000平方米展商数量:281家观众数量:4,668人
16 天
2025.03.12 - 03.14
亚洲·曼谷国际贸易会展中心 Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre
哈萨克斯坦农业及畜牧展览会AgriTekFarmTek 2025
2025.03.12 - 03.14
亚洲·阿斯塔纳国际展览中心“EXPO” International exhibition center
Exhibition introduction
2025 Singapore tire exhibition (Tyrexpo), the exhibition time: March 12,2025 ~ March 14, the exhibition location: Singapore-Singapore-1 Expo Drive Singapore 486150 Singapore-Singapore expo center, organizers: Kent ECI international co., LTD., ECI International Ltd, host cycle: two years, the exhibition area: 25000 square meters, visitors: 4668 people, the number of exhibitors and brand reached 281.
Tyrexpo Is a professional tire exhibition covering all related products of the tire industry, and has a very wide influence in Southeast Asia and even the world.
The show is aimed at professional target buyers in tire manufacturing, tire repair, tire wholesale, tire export and retail.
Independent data show that in 2015, Tyrexpo attracted 4,668 professional audiences from 101 countries and regions around the world, mainly from Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and emerging markets such as Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar.
Not only the number of professional visitors increased significantly, but also the number of exhibitors increased strongly to 281, and the scale of the exhibition expanded by 35% compared with 2013.
The global automotive market has become a key driver of the growth of the tire industry, so the 2015 Singapore Tire Show began to add workshop equipment and tire parts areas, aiming to build the exhibition into a trade springboard, bringing talent, technology and ideas together to create greater value for trading partners and customers.
Southeast Asia is the world's largest natural rubber producer, 70% of the world's rubber is produced here. International major tire manufacturers and traders attach great importance to the Southeast Asian market.
As one of the four Asian tigers, Singapore has the Asian headquarters or offices of many global top 500 enterprises, with high-quality and rich buyer resources.
At the same time, as an important transit trade center in the Indian Ocean and Pacific regions, Singapore's unique geographical location has facilitated global trade exchanges.
At present, Singapore has established trade relations with 117 countries and regions in the world, trading objects all over the world.
The cluster advantages of the tire industry in Southeast Asia and the characteristics of Singapore itself make the Singapore tire Exhibition have a strong regional radiation capacity and a broad vision of globalization.
Scope of exhibits
Tyres: tyres, tire production, tire equipment and tools, tire refurbishment,
Tyre related: hub, steel rings, testing and diagnosis, tire accessories, sustainability, tire sustainability, tire storage systems, service provision