2025.09.10 - 09.12 开闭馆时间:09:00:00 - 17:59:59
亚洲-印度 孟买展览中心 Bombay Exhibition Center
主办单位:Informa Markets
举办周期:2年1届 会展面积:15,000平方米展商数量:300家观众数量:12,000人
197 天
2025.09.10 - 09.12
亚洲·曼谷国际贸易会展中心 Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre
Exhibition introduction
Mumbai Maritime and Ship Exhibition 2025 (INMEX SMM), Exhibition time: September 10th to September 12th, 2025, Exhibition location: India-Mumbai-next to Western Express Highway, NESCO, Goregaon, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400063-The Mumbai Exhibition Centre, Sponsor: Informa markets, Holding cycle: a biannual session, Exhibition area: 15,000 square meters, Visitors: 12,314 participants, The number of exhibitors and participating brands has reached 300.
INMEX India is the most comprehensive international business platform covering all aspects of shipbuilding, ship maintenance, shipping, maritime engineering, Marine engineering and technology, dredging equipment and ports and logistics.
The event is a special meeting point for India's global shipping industry, and Vietnam is a region with a booming industry and strong economic growth. INMEX India will bring together the leading industry players.
INMEX India will once again welcome maritime industry professionals looking to find the best products and technologies for its next projects in Vietnam and the region. In addition, given the current surge in offshore drilling and exploration activities in and around India, INMEX India is expected to attract production and exploration managers, engineers and consultants in maritime, offshore engineering, dredging and drilling.
Scope of exhibits
Ship: ship repair and shipyard, various bulk carriers, working ships, cruise ships, yachts, LNG ships; shipbuilding machinery and equipment, various large machine tool equipment
Consumption: safety fire fighting facilities, life-saving equipment, protection equipment, fire extinguishing device, explosion-proof facilities
Accessories: cable / rope / cable, pump valve / pipe fittings, doors and Windows / heat, fireproof, acoustic ventilation, anchor chain, guard guard / airbag / rubber
Main engine equipment and power propulsion equipment: diesel engine / engine, propulsion system / steering gear / propeller, gear box, seal / supercharger / piston
Auxiliary power system: air conditioning refrigeration / heating, cooling / cooling / heat dissipation equipment, waste discharge / recovery device, turbocharging, heat exchange, oil pollution / sewage / waste treatment and environmental protection equipment
Large port and wharf machinery and equipment: lifting, transportation, conveying equipment, gourd, crane, crane, lift, grab bucket, special vehicles
45,000 平方米
亚洲 印度 | 印度 - 孟买 - next to Western Express Highway, NESCO, Goregaon, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400063