哈萨克斯坦牙科及口腔展览会 CADEX

2024.10.08 - 10.10 开闭馆时间:09:00:00 - 17:59:59

亚洲-哈萨克斯坦 哈萨克斯坦阿塔肯特国际会展中心atakent international exhibition centre

主办单位: DENTAL FORUM (Republic of Kazakhstan)

举办周期:1年1届 会展面积:12,500平方米展商数量:370家观众数量:22,590人



  • 同场举办
  • 同期会展

哈萨克斯坦牙科及口腔展览会 CADEX

2024.10.08 - 10.10

亚洲·哈萨克斯坦阿塔肯特国际会展中心atakent international exhibition centre


2024.10.08 - 10.12

亚洲·土耳其布尔萨国际会展中心 The Tuyap Bursa International Fair & Congress

哈萨克斯坦牙科及口腔展览会 CADEX

2024.10.08 - 10.10

亚洲·哈萨克斯坦阿塔肯特国际会展中心atakent international exhibition centre


Exhibition introduction

Kazakhstan Dental and Dental Exhibition 2024 (CADEX), Time: October 08 to October 10,2024 Venue: Kazakhstan-Almaty-42 Timiryazev str., Almaty-Arakent International Convention and Exhibition Center, Sponsor: DENTAL FORUM (Republic of Kazakhstan), , EC, Holding cycle: once a year, Exhibition area: 12,500 square meters, Visitors: 22,590 participants, The number of exhibitors and participating brands reached 370.

CADEX is an important exhibition in the oral and dental industry in Kazakhstan. It is considered to be one of the largest and most important professional exhibitions in the oral field in the world. CADEX is a leading event in the global dental industry, attracting exhibitors and professionals from around the world. As a regular international exhibition, CADEX showcases the latest technologies, products and innovative solutions from the dental industry.

Exhibitors display various dental equipment, dental equipment, implant systems, dental materials, oral hygiene products and so on at the CADEX Exhibition. These exhibits cover all aspects of dental clinics, laboratories, and dental professionals. Exhibitors connect with potential customers by presenting their products and services, and present their innovative solutions.

Visitors can understand the latest trends, technological innovations and clinical applications in the dental profession by visiting exhibitions, participating in professional workshops and forums. The CADEX exhibition provides a platform for communication and learning, enabling visitors to interact with industry leaders, experts and peers to share knowledge, experience and best practices.

The CADEX exhibition provides a unique platform for professionals in the dental industry to promote business cooperation, drive innovation and industry development, with important implications for professionals in the dental field.

Scope of exhibits

Medical equipment: medical equipment and machinery, laboratory equipment / technology, diagnostic equipment, drugs, surgical instruments, orthopedics and rehabilitation, dental materials and services, optics and ophthalmology, biotechnology, medical services, hospitals, insurance

Medical supplies: medical equipment: medical electronic instruments, ultrasonic instruments, x-ray equipment, medical optical instruments, clinical inspection and analysis instruments, dental equipment and materials, hemodialysis equipment, respiratory equipment, hospital wards, operating room, emergency room equipment, hospital office equipment, laboratory equipment, etc.; disposable consumables: disposable medical supplies, dressings and sanitary materials, surgical instruments, etc.: medical equipment, family health supplies, physical therapy, plastic technology, etc.; medical peripheral: information and communication technology, medical services, publishing, etc.;

Dentistry: Dental clinics: dental clinics, lighting systems, suction, separator and compressed air systems, practice furniture, visual systems, special devices, chairs, dental materials, medicines, aids and materials for dental treatment, motors, hand tools, rotating instruments, penetration instruments, implant dentistry, anchors and pins, preventive / dental and oral hygiene, cosmetic dentistry, consumables; special equipment for dental laboratory equipment and materials

哈萨克斯坦阿塔肯特国际会展中心atakent international exhibition centre


650,000 平方米

亚洲 哈萨克斯坦 | Timiryazev St 42, Almaty 050060










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