2025.03.25 - 03.27 开闭馆时间:10:00:00 - 18:00:00
非洲-南非 南非约翰内斯堡会展中心 Expo Centre Johannesburg
主办单位:Terrapinn 会展公司
举办周期:1年1届 会展面积:20,000平方米展商数量:500家观众数量:20,000人
南非国际太阳能暨储能展览会(The Solar & Storage Show Africa)由 Terrapinn公司主办,是目前南非规模最大,影响力最强的太阳能行业盛会之一。展会现场将聚集优质厂商、服务商,为非洲太阳能与储能行业带来新技术和新未来,促进非洲的能源转型并带来太阳能、能源生产、电池、存储解决方案和清洁能源创新。该展会将所有主要利益相关者联合起来,公用事业、IPP、政府、监管机构、协会和消费者等。展会致力于为您带来独特的品牌推广前瞻性活动,产生新的业务和销售线索并促进您的业务增长。2024 年展会现场接待来自全球 40 个国家的 20000+名注册观众,500 家参展商,200 名会议代表。
运营和维护检查: 测试、认证、清洁工具、状态监测;无人机、物联网、维修服务、无线监控解决方案。
Exhibition introduction:
The Solar & Storage Show Africa, organized by Terrapinn, is one of the largest and most influential solar industry events in South Africa. The exhibition site will gather high-quality manufacturers and service providers to bring new technologies and a new future to Africa's solar energy and energy storage industry, promote Africa's energy transformation and bring solar energy, energy production, batteries, storage solutions and clean energy innovation. The show brings together all key stakeholders, utilities, IPPs, governments, regulators, associations and consumers, among others. The show is dedicated to bringing you unique brand promotion forward-looking events that generate new business and sales leads and boost your business growth. The 2024 exhibition will host 20,000 + registered visitors, 500 exhibitors and 200 conference delegates from 40 countries around the world.
Representatives of domestic enterprises participating in the exhibition are: Longi, Trhe, Yingli, Tongwei, Huawei, Deye, Sunshine power, Jinlang, Maitian, Guruiwatt, Xu He, BYD energy storage, Easy special and so on. As the agent of the exhibition in China, Yingshang Lihua Exhibition will continue to provide you with quality booths and services, and assist eligible enterprises to apply for exhibition subsidies.
Range of exhibits:
Photovoltaic power generation products and technologies: photovoltaic modules, cells, films; Cables, connectors, junction boxes, inverters; Photovoltaic bracket, tracking system; Wafer, polysilicon, component assembly, film mounting system and bracket installation, etc.; Rural electrification and off-grid solar systems; Monitoring & control technology, energy management, building integration solutions, stand-alone systems.
Operations and maintenance inspections: testing, certification, cleaning tools, condition monitoring; Drones, Internet of Things, maintenance services, wireless monitoring solutions.
Developer and engineer services: Epcs, installation services, technical consulting, engineering freestanding photovoltaic equipment systems.
Solar application products: solar water heater, solar stove, solar heating, solar air conditioning, solar power generation system, solar lamps, solar panels, photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic lighting systems and products, modules and related production equipment, solar system control software, solar street billboard lighting system.
Energy storage: Battery manufacturers; Controller manufacturers; Lithium battery and electrode manufacturers, lead-acid battery manufacturers, energy storage systems, gel battery manufacturers; Network solutions for controlling energy storage systems, manufacturers of battery management systems (BMS), manufacturers of vanadium REDOX batteries, electrical test and measurement systems; Microgrid system integrators, energy storage system integrators, intelligent frequency converter manufacturers, industrial battery manufacturers, container battery storage system manufacturers, portable battery power packs, etc.