印尼零售展览会 INA SHOP

2024.11.13 - 11.16 开闭馆时间:09:00:00 - 17:59:59

亚洲-印度尼西亚 雅加达会展中心 Jakarta International Expo

主办单位:Krista Exhibitions

举办周期:1年1届 会展面积:12,000平方米展商数量:350家观众数量:13,000人



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Exhibition introduction
Indonesia retail exhibition (INA SHOP) in 2024, the exhibition time: November 13,2024 ~ November 16, exhibition location: Indonesia-Jakarta-East Pademangan, Pademangan, North Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia-Jakarta exhibition center, organizers: kristamedia, held cycle: annual, exhibition area: 12000 square meters, visitors: 13600 people, the number of exhibitors and brands reached 350.

In the heart of the booming ASEAN region, the world's fourth most populous country, the rise of the middle class and the diversification of eating habits have led to a new shift in the country's retail industry. Jakarta Retail Exhibition INA SHOP provides a more comprehensive and diversified platform for the retail market in Indonesia. The retail industry in Indonesia, whether traditional retail or Internet retail, is still attractive and growing.

Market insight
Indonesia is at the center of the booming ASEAN region, but it is still very "localized" (with no hub role). The world's fourth most populous country, with a population of 267 million (350 by 2030) / the region's largest agricultural power, but is very dependent on palm oil.
The rise of the middle class (400 million people by 2020) and a diversification of eating habits.

One of the lowest GDP / low import (# 25)
More than 90% of traditional retail sales
The fourth largest country in the world.
16th largest economy.

Indonesia accounts for 40% of ASEAN's GDP, growing by more than 5.2% in 2019.

Indonesia has a population of 264 million, the world's largest Muslim population, 45 million consumer class members, by 2030, will reach 135 million consumer class, modern distribution expansion (15% value today) and increasing permeability of quality products / products, by 2030, more than half of the family annual spending on food and beverage.
The food and grocery retail market includes retail of all packaged and unpackaged food and beverages (including retail of all alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages) and household products. Excluding all trade sales of food and beverages. All currency conversion is calculated at the 2017 constant average exchange rate.

The Indonesian food and grocery retail market generated $201.3 billion in 2017 and achieved a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.1% between 2013 and 2017.

The food segment was the most profitable segment in the market in 2017, with a total revenue of $164.9 billion, equivalent to 81.9% of the total market value.
Indonesia's growing middle class is driving the expansion of the modern retail industry. More importantly, higher prices of basic food products such as vegetables, rice and seeds have led to stronger growth in value in the market. Soup, street food and top dishes in small local restaurants.

Scope of exhibits
Commercial equipment and facilities: unmanned vending machine, food display, container shelf display equipment, supermarket shopping cart, shopping basket, shopping bags, picking trucks, cage trucks;


2024年印尼零售展览会(INA SHOP),展会时间:2024年11月13日~11月16日,展会地点:印尼-雅加达-East Pademangan, Pademangan, North Jakarta City, Jakarta, 印度尼西亚-雅加达会展中心,主办方:kristamedia,举办周期:一年一届,展会面积:12000平米,参展观众:13600人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到350家。

印度尼西亚位于蓬勃发展的东盟地区的中心,世界第四大人口国家,中产阶级的崛起和饮食习惯的多样化,使得该国的零售业发生了新的转变。印尼雅加达零售展INA SHOP为印尼的零售市场提供了一个更全面更多元的平台,印尼的零售业的零售业无论是传统零售业还是互联网零售业,仍然具有吸引力和增长性。


印度尼西亚位于蓬勃发展的东盟地区的中心,但仍然非常“本地化”(没有枢纽角色)。世界第四大人口大国,拥有 2.67 亿人口(2030 年将达到 350 人)/该地区第一大农业强国,但非常依赖棕榈油。

中产阶级的崛起(2020 年将有 4 亿人)和饮食习惯的多样化。


超过 90% 的传统零售



印度尼西亚占东盟 GDP 的 40%,2019 年增长超过 5.2%。

印度尼西亚拥有 2.64 亿人口,世界上最大的穆斯林人口,4500 万消费阶层成员,到 2030 年将达到 1.35 亿消费阶层,现代分销扩张(今天的价值份额为 15%)和优质产品/产品的渗透率不断提高,到 2030 年,超过一半的家庭年度支出用于食品和饮料。

食品和杂货零售市场包括所有包装和未包装食品以及饮料(包括所有酒精和非酒精饮料的零售)和家用产品的零售。不包括所有食品和饮料的贸易销售。所有货币换算均按 2017 年恒定平均汇率计算。

印度尼西亚食品和杂货零售市场在 2017 年的总收入为 2013 亿美元,2013 年至 2017 年间的复合年增长率 (CAGR) 为 8.1%。

食品板块是 2017 年市场最赚钱的板块,总收入为 1649 亿美元,相当于市场总价值的 81.9%。


雅加达会展中心 Jakarta International Expo

雅加达会展中心 Jakarta

200,000 平方米

亚洲 印度尼西亚 | 印尼 - 雅加达 - East Pademangan, Pademangan, North Jakarta City, Jakarta, 印度尼西亚










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