沙特阿拉伯金属加工机械及工业展览会 MACTECH

2025.01.21 - 01.23 开闭馆时间:09:00:00 - 17:59:59

亚洲-沙特阿拉伯 利雅得国际会议与展览中心 Riyadh International Exhibition

主办单位:International Fairs Group IFG

举办周期:1年1届 展商数量:200家观众数量:16,000人



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Exhibition introduction
Metal Processing Machinery and Industry Exhibition in Saudi Arabia 2025 (MACTECH), Time: January 21 to January 23,2025 Exhibition Venue: Saudi Arabia-Riyadh-King Abdullah Rd, King Abdullah Dt., Riyadh 11564 Saudi Arabia-Riyadh International Convention Center, Sponsor: International Fairs Group IFG, Holding cycle: once a year, Exhibition area: 20,000 square meters, Visitors: 16,000 participants, The number of exhibitors and participating brands has reached 200.

MACTECH SAUDI ARABIA Setting standards for future industries is a forward-looking activity that brings the most modern solutions, supporting the industrial sectors of Saudi Arabia and its neighbors, providing fresh and innovative technologies designed to bring global technology into the GCC market.

MACTECH SAUDI ARABIA Will fully reveal the business dynamics of metal machining machinery, CNC machinery, industrial tools, welding and cutting equipment; have extensive application, trend and technology from concept to output; and create the most influential trade event in the region.
MACTECH SAUDI ARABIA It is not just a trade show, but also an event of great industrial and economic importance; exhibitors have access to a wide range of policy makers and industrialists from seven countries to use reliable and consistent market opportunities to sign large deals at one of the hottest growth points in the world.

Drawing a top perspective of multidimensional business and trade, MACTECH is indeed a Saudi Arabia's exhibition with influence, expertise and attendees appeal that can target and attract thousands of qualified visitors from across the GCC region to build the most influential compact trade alliance in the industrial sector.

Putting innovation in the spotlight, MACTECH SAUDI ARABIA's strategic and creative vision is an on-site multi-technology event designed to meet the broad needs of the affluent, evolving and dynamic industrial market in Saudi Arabia and the entire GCC region.
The event aims to create a lucrative venue for productive business partnerships and easily transform new technologies, and is planned to become a top regional metalworking machinery, CNC machinery, industrial tools, welding and cutting equipment procurement event.

Scope of exhibits
Industrial exhibition area: welding equipment, heat treatment equipment, abrasive abrasive tools, mold processing equipment, testing equipment, rapid molding equipment, injection molding equipment, mold polishing equipment, mold standard parts, wire and cable, instrumentation, machine tools and electrical appliances, etc.

Metal processing: plate and pipe processing technology, precision machining parts, sheet metal, finished products and semi-finished products, transmission technology, separation technology, molding process, flexible plate processing technology, pipe, section processing technology, composite material production process, equipment accessories, accessories, set and fastening technology, plate processing tool technology, surface treatment technology, process control and quality inspection, data engineering, information and service, factory and workshop


2025年沙特阿拉伯金属加工机械及工业展览会(MACTECH),展会时间:2025年01月21日~01月23日,展会地点:沙特阿拉伯-利雅得-King Abdullah Rd, King Abdullah Dt., Riyadh 11564沙特阿拉伯-利雅得国际会展中心,主办方:International Fairs Group IFG,举办周期:一年一届,展会面积:20000平米,参展观众:16000人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到200家。

MACTECH SAUDI ARABIA 为未来工业制定标准,是一项具有前瞻性的活动,带来最现代化的解决方案,为沙特阿拉伯及其邻国的工业部门提供支持,提供新鲜技术和创新技术,旨在将全球技术带入海湾合作委员会市场。

MACTECH SAUDI ARABIA将全面揭示金属加工机械、数控机械、工业工具、焊割设备业务动态;具有从概念到输出的广泛应用、趋势和技术;打造该地区最具影响力的贸易盛会。

MACTECH SAUDI ARABIA 不仅仅是一个贸易展,它还是一个具有重大工业和经济重要性的活动;参展商能够接触到来自 7 个国家的广泛决策者和实业家,在世界上最热门的增长点之一利用可靠和一致的市场机会签署大型交易。

绘制多维商业和贸易的顶级视角,MACTECH 确实是沙特阿拉伯拥有影响力、专业知识和与会者吸引力的展会,可以瞄准并吸引来自海湾合作委员会地区各地的数千名合格参观者,构建工业领域内最具影响力的紧凑贸易联盟。

将创新置于聚光灯下,MACTECH SAUDI ARABIA 的战略和创意理念是一场现场多技术盛会,旨在满足沙特阿拉伯和整个海湾合作委员会地区富裕、不断发展和充满活力的工业市场的广泛需求。


利雅得国际会议与展览中心 Riyadh International Exhibition

利雅得国际会议与展览中心 Ri

100,000 平方米

亚洲 沙特阿拉伯 | King Abdullah Rd, King Abdullah Dt., Riyadh 11564沙特阿拉伯










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