釜山会展中心位于韩国釜山市海云台区。2001年5月开始营业,它一共分为两个展厅,第1展厅&会议厅面积有26,508㎡的可举办专业展览会、 大型会议、各种活动、体育活动、 超大型企业活动等. 第2展厅的面积有19,872㎡的展厅和1,512 ㎡的会议室组成
The Busan Convention and Exhibition Center is located in Hayeyuntai District, Busan City, South Korea. Since its opening in May 2001, it is divided into two exhibition halls. The first exhibition hall & conference hall has an area of 26,508 ㎡ and can hold professional exhibitions, large conferences, various activities, sports activities, super large enterprise activities, etc. Hall 2 consists of 19,872 ㎡ showrooms and 1,512 ㎡ meeting rooms