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越南(河内)国家会议中心(National Convention Center)
越南(河内)国家会议中心(National Convention Center)
越南(河内)国家会议中心(National Convention Center)
越南(河内)国家会议中心(National Convention Center)
亚洲 | 57 Ph55m Hùng, M61 Trì, Nam T69 Liêm, Hà N61i,越南
越南(河内)国家会议中心(National Convention Center)

         NCC is the leading and largest conference center in Vietnam. The Center is located at the intersection of Thang Long Avenue and Pham Hung Road in Me Tri Ward, Nam Tu Liem District, 10 km from the center of Hanoi and 40 km from Noi Bai Airport.

         NCC is a public administrative unit under the Office of the Government. The construction of the Center started on November 15th 2004 and reached its completion in 22 months. The Center was officially established on November 25th 2005.

         With a total area of 64 hectares, including the main building, a park, water square, on-ground and underground parking lot, helipad, and other auxiliary items, NCC is a conference center that has met international standards and is the ideal venue for big events and conferences at the domestic and international level with the participation of thousands of people.

         It is rare for a conference venue in Vietnam to have a 9.4 ha area of greeneries, covered by rare trees, grass fields, artificial hills, Van Tue island and an interconnected system of three lakes for climate control. Within the area of the center, there is also a collection of 30 stone statues, which are the artistic works created by sculptor Nguyen Long Buu over the span of 15 years. With lush expanses of grass, NCC provides an ideal venue for outdoor parties.

Located in front of the main building is the water square with an area of nearly 10,000 square meters. The water square can be considered a highlight within the NCC area because this place has one of the most modern and beautiful musical fountain systems in Vietnam. This system was put into operation in 2014. The water square is a good location for art performances, product showcases, fairs, exhibitions, etc.

         NCC also has a system of large parking areas with a capacity of nearly 1,100 cars of all kinds. In addition, the center also has a helipad located in the western part of the Square.

         Situated in the central location of the NCC is the main building with a height of 50 meters, consisting of 5 floors and one basement, making up a total floor area of over 60,000m2, including large halls and a system of over 70 meeting rooms of all sizes to cater for the needs of organizing conferences, congresses, receptions, banquets, fairs, exhibitions and other supporting services. The main hall on the first floor on the outside in front of the Building has an area of 2,800m2, the inside has an area of 2,140m2. The hall and corridor on the second floor have an area of 3,700m2, on the third floor, the area is 3,630m2. With such a large lobby area, the center brings convenience to activities like exhibitions and product showcases etc.

        The Banquet hall located on the first floor of the building has an area of over 2,000m2, with a capacity of up to 1,800 guests attending the banquet. The reception hall is equipped with modern facilities and has a mobile stage system. In addition, the hall is impressively designed with a flexible lighting system and two paintings Red Ha Long (Ha Long at dusk) and Gold Ha Long (Ha Long at dawn) in lacquer with a “giant size” spanning two symmetrical walls to create a cozy and luxurious space. The hall can be automatically divided into two separate spaces to serve different needs.

        The Main Meeting Hall (MMH) is the largest of its kind in Vietnam and the third largest in South East Asia not only thanks to the number of seats but also the functionality and modern features. The MMH has an area of over 4,200 m2 with a capacity of over 3,600 seats, including 20 reserved spots for people with disabilities. Under the armrest of each seat in the VIP section, there is a technical kit including a system of headphones and channel adapter for translating 32 languages. In addition, the Hall has a modern audio and lighting equipment system imported from France and Germany using digital technologies with high technical safety functionalities capable of meeting the requirements of conferences,semin.




越南的会议场地很少拥有9.4公顷的绿地,覆盖着稀有树木,草地,人造山丘,Van Tue岛和三个湖泊的相互连接的气候控制系统。在中心区域内,还有30座石像,这些石像是雕塑家阮龙布欧在15年的时间里创作的艺术作品。 NCC拥有郁郁葱葱的草地,是户外聚会的理想场所。


        NCC还拥有一个大型停车场系统,可容纳近1,100辆各种汽车。此外,该中心还设有位于广场西部的直升机停机坪。主楼位于NCC的中心位置,高50米,由5层和1个地下室组成,总建筑面积超过60,000m2,包括大厅和70多个各种大小的会议室系统,以满足组织会议的需要。 会议、招待会、宴会、交易会、展览和其他配套服务。大楼前外侧一楼主厅面积2,800m2,内部面积2,140m2。二楼大厅和走廊面积为3,700m2,三楼面积为3,630m2。该中心拥有如此大的大厅区域,为展览和产品展示等活动带来了便利。


       主会议厅(MMH)是越南同类会议厅中最大的,也是东南亚第三大会议厅,这不仅得益于座位数量,还得益于功能和现代特色。MMH的面积超过4,200 m2,可容纳3,600多个座位,其中包括20个残疾人预留位置。在贵宾区每个座位的扶手下,都有一个技术套件,包括一个耳机系统和用于翻译 32 种语言的频道适配器。此外,音乐厅还拥有从法国和德国进口的现代化音响和照明设备系统,采用具有高技术安全功能的数字技术,能够满足会议、研讨会以及各种艺术形式表演的要求。


       为了用心服务于出席会议的代表团和嘉宾,NCC还建造了总面积为20,737m2的豪华别墅综合体,其中包括10栋独立别墅和1家餐厅。别墅大楼按照五星级酒店的标准建造,拥有一流的设施、设备、内部装饰,包括 53 间双床房、14 间双人房、10 间豪华客房以及蒸汽和干桑拿系统等。



       国家会议中心拥有现代化、系统的设备和设施以及热情和专业的员工,可以以尊重 - 周到 - 有效 - 安全的座右铭满足客户。

2024.09.26 至 2024.09.28
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