第33届俄罗斯国际食品展览会 World Food Moscow 2024

2024.09.17 - 09.20 开闭馆时间:09:00:00 - 18:00:00

欧洲-俄罗斯 俄罗斯莫斯科红宝石展览中心 Expocentre at Krasnaya Presnya


举办周期:1年1届 会展面积:58,000平方米展商数量:1,300家观众数量:33,000人


  • 同场举办
  • 同期会展



2024.09.17 - 09.20

欧洲· Expocentre at Krasnaya Presnya

德国汉诺威商用车配件展览会 IAA

2024.09.17 - 09.22


Exhibition Introduction:
World Food Moscow is a prestigious exhibition in the food and beverage industry in Russia and the CIS region, organized by the famous British exhibition company ITE, and has been successfully held for 32 sessions. The exhibition was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and the Moscow City Government. With the increasing prosperity of the Russian food industry, the scale of the Moscow International Food Exhibition and the number of professional visitors are increasing year by year, which continues to reflect the latest situation of the fast-growing local food market in Russia.
Professionalism: Food Russia is a platform for negotiation and signing agreements with retailers, distributors, wholesalers and restaurants in Russia. It attracts a large number of wholesalers, distributors, retailers and caterers. Exhibitors are divided into 10 main product categories, ensuring that visitors can easily find the products they are interested in and meet with manufacturers. For decades, Foodtrade Moscow has helped Russian and international producers to access business opportunities in the food market, providing an excellent platform for many industry leaders in Russia today to showcase their innovations and developments. With the increasing prosperity of the Russian food industry, the scale of the Moscow Food Exhibition and the number of professional visitors are increasing year by year, which continues to reflect the new situation of the fast-growing local food market in Russia.
Great market opportunity: Russia has a large food and beverage market and is the ninth most populous country in the world, with 146 million people. Russia banned imports of staple food products from the European Union, the United States, Norway, Canada and Australia in 2014, but has been trying to fill the supply gap since then, according to WORLD FOOD MOSCOW in Moscow. In 2017, the country spent $27.9 billion on imported food, an increase of 11.4% from 2016 levels. For suppliers, this is a real opportunity to seize a huge market and a perfect platform for Chinese food manufacturers, exporters to negotiate and sign agreements with Russian food retailers, distributors, restaurants.

Scope of Exhibits:
Fish and seafood: fresh, refrigerated and frozen, salted fish, smoked fish, caviar, canned and semi-finished products, seafood, raw and aquaculture products, fish and seafood production equipment, etc.;
Cheese and dairy products: milk and cream, canned milk products, curd products, butter, cheese and ice cream, etc.; meat, poultry;
and eggs: fresh poultry and game, meat by-products, pre-packaged meats, sausages, bacon, deli meats, semi-finished products, eggs and egg products, etc.;
Frozen, convenient and ready-to-eat foods: frozen meat and fish products, dough, frozen vegetables, fruits and berries, ready-to-eat foods, sandwiches and salads, etc.;
Healthy and organic foods: organic and biological products, honey, baby, sports, diet and diabetic foods, gluten-free products, dietary supplements, etc.;
Fruits and vegetables: fresh and processed vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms, etc.;
Canned food: meat, fish, milk, fruits and vegetables, etc.;
Fats, oils and sauces: vegetable oils, mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces, fats and margarine, spreads, etc.;
Groceries: cereals, flour, pasta, sugar, starch, spices, seasonings, salt, snacks, potato chips, croutons, dried seafood, nuts, dried fruits, breakfast cereals, instant foods, concentrated foods and additives, etc.;
Confectionery and bakery: confectionery, chocolate and cocoa products, oriental confectionery, halva, jams, marshmallows, bakeries, flour and dietary confectionery, frozen and semi-finished products, chewing gum, ingredients and food additives, New Year's gifts, etc.;
Tea & Coffee: Loose & Pressed Tea, Tea Drinks, Whole Wheat, Ground, Freeze-Dried & Instant Coffee, Coffee Substitutes & Coffee Drinks, etc.;
Soft drinks: low-alcohol and powdered beverages, fruit juices and nectar, mineral water, etc.;
Alcoholic beverages: wine, beer, low-alcohol beverages and spirits, etc.;
Halal food: food that is allowed by Islam and prepared under a certain quality control system that prohibits the use of genetically modified ingredients and many food additives, among others;
Non-food: packaging, equipment and e-commerce services, logistics, transportation and financial services, software, pet food, food advertising, cooking and storage goods, services and technology, workwear and canteen linen, household chemicals and many other products, etc.

       俄罗斯莫斯科国际食品及饮料展览会World Food Moscow是俄罗斯及独联体地区食品饮料行业内广负盛名的展览会,由英国著名展览公司ITE主办,已经成功举办32届。展会得到了俄罗斯农业部以及莫斯科市政府的鼎力支持。随着俄罗斯食品业的日益繁荣,莫斯科国际食品展览会的规模和专业观众数量都在逐年提高,持续体现着俄罗斯当地快速发展的食品市场的最新情况。
       市场机会大:俄罗斯具有规模庞大的食品和饮料市场,是世界上人口数量排名第九的国家,拥有1亿4千6百万人。据俄罗斯莫斯科食品展WORLD FOOD MOSCOW反馈,俄罗斯于2014年禁止从欧盟,美国,挪威,加拿大和澳大利亚进口主要食品,但此后一直在努力填补供应缺口。2017年,该国在进口食品方面的支出为279亿美元,比2016年的水平增长了11.4%。对于供应商来说,这是抓住一个巨大市场的真正机会,是中国食品制造商、出口商与俄罗斯食品零售商、分销商、餐厅洽谈和签订协议的完美平台。

鱼和海鲜: 鲜活、冷藏冷冻、咸鱼、熏鱼、鱼子酱、罐头和半成品、海鲜、生的和水产养殖产品、鱼和海鲜生产设备等;
奶酪和奶制品: 牛奶和奶油、罐装奶制品、凝乳制品、黄油、奶酪和冰淇淋等;肉类、家禽;
和蛋类: 新鲜家禽和野味、肉类副产品、预包装肉类、香肠、熏肉、熟食肉类、半成品、鸡蛋和蛋制品等;
冷冻、方便和即食食品: 冷冻肉和鱼制品、面团、冷冻蔬菜、水果和浆果、即食食品、三明治和沙拉等;
水果和蔬菜: 新鲜和加工的蔬菜、水果、浆果和蘑菇等;
罐头食品: 肉类、鱼类、牛奶、水果和蔬菜等;
脂肪、油和酱汁: 植物油、蛋黄酱、番茄酱、酱汁、脂肪和人造黄油、涂抹酱等;
杂货: 谷物、面粉、意大利面、糖、淀粉、香料、调味料、盐、零食、薯片、面包丁、干海鲜、坚果、干果、早餐麦片、速食食品、浓缩食品和添加剂等;
糖果和面包店: 糖果、巧克力和可可制品、东方糖果、哈尔瓦、果酱、棉花糖、面包店、面粉和膳食糖果、冷冻和半成品、口香糖、配料和食品添加剂、新年礼物等;
茶和咖啡: 散茶和压制茶、茶饮料、全麦、磨碎、冻干和速溶咖啡、咖啡替代品和咖啡饮料等;
软饮料: 低度酒精和粉状饮料、果汁和花蜜、矿泉水等;
酒精饮料: 葡萄酒、啤酒、低酒精饮料和烈酒等;
清真食品: 伊斯兰教允许并在一定的质量控制体系下制备的食品,该体系禁止使用转基因成分和许多食品添加剂等;
非食类: 包装、设备和电子商务服务、物流、运输和金融服务、软件、宠物食品、食品广告、烹饪和储存商品、服务和技术、工作服和食堂布草、家用化学品和许多其他产品等。
俄罗斯莫斯科红宝石展览中心 Expocentre at Krasnaya Presnya

俄罗斯莫斯科红宝石展览中心 E

150,000 平方米

欧洲 俄罗斯 | Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya, 14, Moskva










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